How to Write a VIP Invitation Letter for Your Next Big Event

Want to have a lot of VIPs and industry leaders attend your event? Better start  thinking about your invitation letter! Your event invitation letter is often the first contact between you and a potential attendee. A poorly written letter could break your event before it begins. I know a lot about invitation letters. I have written countless letters over the course of my career, often on behalf of other people. Check out these business writing tips! To help you with your event planning efforts, check out my VIP event invitation letter formula below! 5 Paragraphs Behind a Great VIP Event Invitation Letter The below information serves as a foundational VIP invitation letter template. I encourage you to add your own creative touch when drafting your letter. Paragraph 1: Get to the point! Tell the reader exactly why you’re writing them. Don’t make them wait until the third paragraph. For example:  […]

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5 Toronto Politicians Who Totally Get Social Media

Toronto expects its politicians to be open, engaging and authentic. And what better way to demonstrate these traits than social media. Politicians use social media to deliver announcements and key messages. That’s a given. A select few, however, truly understand the power of social media. These politicians go outside their comfort zone, using social media to show a more personal side while engaging in a meaningful two-way conversation with the public. So which Toronto politicians have the most engaging, open and authentic social media profiles? Check out my top 5 list below! 1. Norm Kelly No one does social media like Toronto Councillor Norm Kelly, who has more than 300,000 followers on Twitter. In addition to city updates, Kelly posts humorous tweets (see image below) that are retweeted hundreds – if not thousands – of times. In an interview with the CBC, Kelly said his tweets are designed to stir the pot, tickle the […]

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4 Simple Tactics to Get More People to Visit Your Blog

Do you want more people to check out your blog, but are frustrated with low traffic? Generating traffic to your blog is both an art and a science. Yes, you need great content that consists of well-written text and enticing visuals. But you also need a strategy behind your content creation. Check out these 10 awesome blogs from the non-profit and public sectors > If you already have a well-established blog or have a large social following, your reputation alone may help drive traffic. But if you’re new and lack a social media presence, you need to adopt at least one of the 4 tactics below to increase traffic to your site. How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog 1. Blog about other people A person is more likely to share an article if that article is about them and/or their organization. “People articles”, as I like to call them, perform really […]

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How to Respond to Anonymous Trolls, Ragers and Bullies on Twitter

If you’re a regular Twitter user, chances are you have received at least one negative tweet in your lifetime. Scores of people have faced harassment on the social network. And organizations, too, have had their Twitter marketing campaigns highjacked by torrents of negative tweets. Opportunities abound for individuals and organizations alike. But anonymous trolls and bullies always seem to be lurking in the shadows, ready to make your life miserable. How to Respond to a Negative Tweet on Twitter So how do you take advantage of Twitter’s unique features, while protecting your brand and reputation? Check out my response system below! 1. Report abusers Never engage a bully on Twitter. Instead, try blocking the offender or reporting the account to Twitter. 2. Respond to critical feedback You should always respond to critical feedback, even if the commenter comes across as angry. Critical commenters are not necessarly trolls or bullies. They often just […]

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What I Would Do Differently As a Writer If I Could Start All Over Again

When I started as a writer in my early 20s, I foolishly believed that to become successful I had to produce a masterpiece. Instant fame would come as soon as I wrote that masterpiece. I was idealistic and romantic like many young writers. And though I managed to get paid for the odd freelance article, I accomplished little actual writing during those formative years. If I could turn back time… Since then, I have had a lot of time to reflect on what I would do differently. What information from my experience can I share with new writers who want to dive into the world of writing? For one, I would avoid the reckless pursuit of the “perfect article” and not be so dependent on the approval of outsiders. Stop chasing the perfect article When I was younger, I wanted to write the perfect article that would set me apart from […]

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