How to Create Your Own Email Newsletter From Scratch [Infographic]

Originally published December 15, 2014 No matter what your business, having a professional email newsletter is a fantastic way to engage people. An email newsletter allows you to communicate directly with your target audience, while providing your followers and potential customers with the content they want, whether it be gardening tips, celebrity gossip or political news. Want to create your own amazing email newsletter? Follow these 7 quick-and-easy steps below! Step 1 – Build a Subscriber List Get people to sign up for your email newsletter by having them fill out a subscribe form on your website or in person. Remember that you need someone’s consent before you can send them a newsletter. If you operate in Canada, you need to be compliant with Canada’s Anti-Spam Law (CASL). Read my article on CASL for more information. Step 2 – Create a Content Strategy Content is king! When deciding on your […]

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What’s a Blogger? The Answer May Surprise You

So what and who is a blogger? A blogger is a digital content creator and curator. Bloggers can use text, images and videos to get their message across – oftentimes a combination of all of the above. Bloggers have many platforms at their disposal, including WordPress and other “traditional” blogging platforms as well as social media sites like Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter. Some bloggers excel at delivering 100-character quotes and memes, while others offer more complex how-to tutorials and commentary. Some bloggers blog for fun, while others blog with the intent of selling products. (The latter is called content marketing.) Learn how to repurpose digital content > Bloggers and blogs can be counted in the hundreds of millions! Chances are you’re a blogger. (You have a personal Facebook page, right?) So who’s a blogger? Mostly everyone. Including you. Want to be better at blogging and social media? Then check […]

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The Advantages Of Using Snapchat For Marketing

Snapchat is an enigma amongst the social networks. A mobile app known for its temporary content (called “snaps”), Snapchat lacks the functionality commonly found in other social media platforms, such as a discovery and sharing tool, and public forums. Yet it’s still considered social media. And despite being the subject of many articles over the last couple of years, few people over the age of 30 seem to know anything about the mobile app with the mischievous ghost mascot. To my surprise, I found Snapchat to be a highly restrictive experience. But despite all of its limitations, the app also offers plenty of possibilities to marketers and personal users alike. Where the young congregate Snapchat is a must if you’re interested in reaching a younger audience. According to, 60% of the app’s users are under 25, while only 2% of users are over the age of 55. Talk about […]

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How to Write a VIP Invitation Letter for Your Next Big Event

Want to have a lot of VIPs and industry leaders attend your event? Better start  thinking about your invitation letter! Your event invitation letter is often the first contact between you and a potential attendee. A poorly written letter could break your event before it begins. I know a lot about invitation letters. I have written countless letters over the course of my career, often on behalf of other people. Check out these business writing tips! To help you with your event planning efforts, check out my VIP event invitation letter formula below! 5 Paragraphs Behind a Great VIP Event Invitation Letter The below information serves as a foundational VIP invitation letter template. I encourage you to add your own creative touch when drafting your letter. Paragraph 1: Get to the point! Tell the reader exactly why you’re writing them. Don’t make them wait until the third paragraph. For example:  […]

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4 Simple Tactics to Get More People to Visit Your Blog

Do you want more people to check out your blog, but are frustrated with low traffic? Generating traffic to your blog is both an art and a science. Yes, you need great content that consists of well-written text and enticing visuals. But you also need a strategy behind your content creation. Check out these 10 awesome blogs from the non-profit and public sectors > If you already have a well-established blog or have a large social following, your reputation alone may help drive traffic. But if you’re new and lack a social media presence, you need to adopt at least one of the 4 tactics below to increase traffic to your site. How to Increase Traffic to Your Blog 1. Blog about other people A person is more likely to share an article if that article is about them and/or their organization. “People articles”, as I like to call them, perform really […]

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