A picture is worth 2.5 times more retweets

Why a Picture Is Worth 2.5 Times More Retweets

You may have heard the saying that a picture is worth a thousand words, but did you also know that an image is worth 2.5 times more retweets? According to a study by Buffer, a social media company, tweets with images received 150% more retweets. Browser-friendly elements The results shouldn’t be surprising. Images are one of many browser-friendly elements, including headings and vertical lists, which help grab the attention of online viewers. Browser-friendly elements such as images serve as natural breaks and directional goalposts for online viewers who tend to browse, not read, content. Always be sure to include an image in your social media and website posts for maximum engagement.

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How to Respond to Anonymous Trolls, Ragers and Bullies on Twitter

If you’re a regular Twitter user, chances are you have received at least one negative tweet in your lifetime. Scores of people have faced harassment on the social network. And organizations, too, have had their Twitter marketing campaigns highjacked by torrents of negative tweets. Opportunities abound for individuals and organizations alike. But anonymous trolls and bullies always seem to be lurking in the shadows, ready to make your life miserable. How to Respond to a Negative Tweet on Twitter So how do you take advantage of Twitter’s unique features, while protecting your brand and reputation? Check out my response system below! 1. Report abusers Never engage a bully on Twitter. Instead, try blocking the offender or reporting the account to Twitter. 2. Respond to critical feedback You should always respond to critical feedback, even if the commenter comes across as angry. Critical commenters are not necessarly trolls or bullies. They often just […]

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10 Things You Should Definitely Be Posting on Twitter

Ready to take your Twitter game to the next level! Below are 10 ideas to improve your Twitter content and take your social media strategy to the next level. 1. Links to press releases and announcements If you want to share something with the media, you should post it on Twitter. Twitter is the social network of choice for journalists. Nearly 25% of Twitter’s verified accounts are journalists and media, according to Triggertrap CEO Haje Jan Kamps. For good measure, mention your favourite reporter on a tweet to get their attention. 2. Images Images do very well on Twitter, with the average image-enhanced tweet getting 35% more retweets than a text-only tweet, according to Twitter. 3. Public responses Twitter provides you with a good snapshot of your audience’s general mood towards you and your organization. You should consider addressing widespread concerns or falsehoods with carefully written tweets. If you want to […]

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Ricky Gervais’ Top 6 Social Advocacy Techniques on Twitter

With its than 300 million active users and mobile-friendly and real-time format, Twitter can be a powerful vehicle for advocating social change. But what does an influential social advocate on Twitter look like? And how can advocates in the non-profit, charitable and political sector use this social media platform to bring about desired change? British comedian Ricky Gervais is a top Twitter advocate with more than 9 million followers. Gervais frequently uses his Twitter account as a megaphone to advocate for animal rights, a cause for which he cares deeply. In a single tweet, Gervais was able to amplify the story of Bryce Casavant, a British Columbia conservation officer who was suspended for refusing to kill two bear cubs. Due to Gervais’ support on Twitter, Casavant’s story quickly became international news. The bear cub story isn’t the first time Gervais has used Twitter to advocate for animal rights. The activist […]

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