10 Ways to Repurpose Website Content to Help Spread Your Message


Have you ever experienced a creative block while producing content for your website?

Creating website content can be a tough, time-consuming process. But it doesn’t have to be this way. There are many ways you can repurpose website content that will not only save you creative energy, but will also help you reach a larger audience while avoid getting punished by search engines for duplicate content.

Content comes in many forms, from text to image to audio to video. And we should be making use of these different forms to reach a larger audience and spread our message.

10 Ways to Repurpose Website Content

1) Blog Posts and News Updates

This is often the starting point in the content repurposing journey. Website content comes in a variety of forms, and can include blog posts, news updates, press releases and reports. To ensure this content reaches its intended audience, it should be optimized for search with keywords and include social sharing buttons.

2) Downloadable Documents

Try transforming your original web content into a downloadable PDF, in the form of an ebook, report or whitepaper. Though they may not produce web traffic like a blog post, downloadable documents are great for generating email subscribers – also called “lead generation” – and are easy for visitors to print. Ideally, your downloadable document should expand upon your original content.

3) Email

Your audience is more likely to view your content if it’s sent directly to them in an email. Whether you want to include your whole post in your email is dependent on your organizational objectives. For example, if you want to generate website ad revenue you should encourage website traffic by asking your subscribers to “Click here” to read the story on your website. Otherwise, I recommend including the whole post in your email.

Learn how to create an e-newsletter >

4) Microblogging on Twitter

Try breaking up your original blog post into multiple tweets for Twitter. When compared to other social networks, Twitter users don’t generally click on links to read articles, but they do like reading quick quotes, statements and stats.

5) Images

Take the most important words from your blog post and add it to an image. If done well, these types of images – which look like advertisements – can be more powerful than a detailed 1-page blog post and are fantastic for sharing on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

6) Infographics

An infographic is what you get when you add your original post to a visual backdrop. Infographics are much more detailed than image advertisements, but less wordy than a blog post. They are great for conveying statistics or list information and are generally good for web traffic. The best infographics are done by graphic designers; however, novices can still create them using free online resources like Piktochart.

7) PowerPoint Presentations

A blog post can easily be turned into a PowerPoint presentation. PowerPoints can be used for more than face-to-face presentations. PowerPoints can also be uploaded onto LinkedIn-owned SlideShare, which can help you reach a larger, more professional-oriented audience.

8) Audio

If you have the voice and are willing, consider creating a podcast using your blog content. Podcasting will help you promote your content to a whole new audience. Your script is already written, save for a few tweaks, so the hard part is already done.

9) Video

Converting your blog content to video format and then posting it on a platform like YouTube can entail a lot of work. You need to understand lighting and be a comfortable presenter. However, like audio, video can help you spread your message to a new audience. Plus, videos – especially short videos – can be very popular on social networks like Facebook and Twitter.

10) Webinars

Why not invite your community to an online discussion about one of your blog posts? Webinars are interactive and – like downloadable PDFs – can be a great method to generate new email subscribers. Webinars can help you build a loyal community and can be set up using services like GoToWebinar.

The above examples represent the many ways you can repurpose existing website content to help your reach a larger audience and spread your message.

Did you find this article helpful? How do you repurpose content to reach a larger audience? Leave a comment below and let’s discuss!


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John Gilson

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